Welcome to the Craighead Library
For generations the Craighead family has been dedicated to conservation through research. Between them all, they have published hundreds of articles, book, and conference papers on topics ranging from grizzly tracking in Yellowstone National Park to bark-beetles in New Brunswick to bowhead whales in Alaska. The Craighead dedication to documenting the natural world can be seen below in a list of their publications.
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Craighead Publications
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1912). Insects contributing to the control of the chestnut blight disease. Science, N.S. 36 (937)
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1915). Larvae of the Prioninae. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Report 107, 24.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1916). Insects in relation to the chestnut bark disease. Science, N.S. 43., 133-135.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1916). The determination of the abdominal thoracic areas of the cerambycid larvae as based on a study of the muscles. Proc. Ento. Soc. Wash. 18 (3), 129-146.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1919). Protection from the locust borer. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Report 787.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1920). Direct sunlight as factor in forest insect control. Ento. Soc. Wash. 22(5), 5.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1920). Biology of some Coleoptera of the families Colydidae and Bothrideridae. Ento. Soc. Wash. 22(1).
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1921). Protection of mesquite cordwood and posts from borers. U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1921). Larva of the North American beetle Sandalue niger Knoch. Proc. Ento. Soc. Wash. 23 (2), 5.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1921). Hopkins host--selection principle as related to certain cerambycid beetles. U.S. Department of Agriculture, 22(4), 189-220.
Craighead, F. C. Sr., Loughborough, W. K. (1921). Temperatures fatal to wood boring larvae. Journal of Forestry, 19, 250-254.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1922). Experiments with spray solutions for preventing insect injury to green logs. U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1922). The spruce budworm situation in New Brunswick. 62nd Annual Report of the Crown Land Department of the province of New Brunswick.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1922). Fighting barkbeetle in balsam. Canadian Forestry Magazine.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1922). Possibilities of preventing losses from the spruce budworm. Proc. Of Forest Protective Conference, 8.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1922). Budworm infestation vs. pulpwood production. American Paper & Pulp Assn.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1923). North American cerambycid larvae. New Series, Dom. Of Canada Agriculture, 150.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1923). A brief summary of the budworm investigations in Canada. Journal of Forestry, 21, 5.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1923). The host selection principle as advanced by Walsh. Canadian Ento.
Craighead, F. C. Sr., Swaine, J. M. (1924). Studies on the Spruce budworm (Cacoecia fumiferana Clem.). Dom. Canada, Department of Agriculture, 90.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1924). The Black Hills beetle practicing forestry on the Kaibab. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, 74.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1925). Relation between mortality of trees attacked by the spruce budworm (Cacoecia fumifera Clem.) and previous growth. Journal of Agriculture, 30(6), 541-555.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1925). The Dendroctonus problems. Journal of Forestry, 26(7), 2.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1925). Barkbeetle epidemics and rainfall deficiency. Journal Eco. Ento., 18(4), 577-586.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1927). The turpentine borer. Forest Worker.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1927). Abnormalities in annual rings resulting from fires. Journal of Forestry, 840-842.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1928). Interrelation of tree killing bark beetles (Dendroctonus) and blue stains. Journal of Forestry, 42(7), 2.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1929). Timber destruction by insects is combatted by federal agency (Discussion of the work of the Division of Forest Insects). The U.S. Daily.
Middleton, W., Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1930). New technique in tree medication for the control of barkbeetles. Science, 72(1869), 31.
Evenden, J. C., Craighead, F. C. Sr., Keen, F. P., Miller, J. M. (1931). Control work against barkbeetles in western forests and an appraisal of its results. Journal of Forestry, 29(7), 18.
Boring, A. G., Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1931). Larvae forms of the order coleoptera. Brooklyn Ento Soc, 351.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1933). The progress in forest entomology and protection against forest insects. Senate Doc. No. 12, 723-732.
Collins, C. W., Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1934). The gypsy moth and natural control. Conference on Gypsy Moth.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1936). Forest insects and forestry. Penn State Sylvan, 18-19.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1937). Locust borers and drought. Journal of Forestry, 35, 792-793.
Craighead, F. C. Sr., St. George, R. A. (1938). Experimental work with the introduction of chemicals into the sap stream of trees for the control of insects. Journal of Forestry, 36(1), 26-40.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1938). Research points the way in forest insect control. Journal of forestry, 36(9), 905-908.
Craighead, J. J., Craighead, F. C. (1939) Hawks in the Hand: Adventures in Photography and Falconry. Houghton Mifflin Company.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1940). Some effects of artificial defoliation on pine and larch. Journal of Forestry, 38(11), 4.
Craighead, J. J., Craighead, F. C. (1940). Nesting Pigeon Hawks. The Wilson Bulletin, 52(4), 241-248.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1941). An effect of drought on white pine. Journal of Forestry, 618-619.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1941). The influence of insects on the development of forest protection and forest management. Smithsonian Report for 1941, 367-392.
Craighead, J. J., Craighead, F. C. (1942) Life with an Indian Prince. National Geographic, 81(2), 235-272.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1948). Insect enemies of eastern forests. U.S. Department of Agriculture, 657, 679.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1949). Trees--Yearbook of Agriculture, 1949(one of editorial committee of eleven). U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Craighead, F., & Craighead, J. (1949). Nesting Canada Geese on the Upper Snake River. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 13(1), 51-64.
Craighead, J. J., Craighead, F. C. (1950). The Ecology of Raptor Predation. Wildlife Management Institute.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1952). Insects in the transmission of oak wilt. Penn. Department of Forestry, 4.
Craighead, F. C. Sr., Hutchins, L. (1953). Control of insects and diseases in North American forests. Proc. of the U.N. Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Resources.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1954). Three new trees for the park list. Everglades National History Magazine, 2(2), 100.
Craighead, J. J., Stockstad, D. S. (1956). Colored Neckband for Marking Birds. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 20(3). Pp. 331-332.
Craighead, J. J., Stockstad, D. S. (1958). Goslings Descend from Aerial Nest. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 22(2). Pp. 206-207.
Aldous, M. C., Craighead, F. C. (1958). A Marking Technique for Bighorn Sheep. The Journal of Wildlife Management 22(4).
Aldous, M. C., Devan, G.A., Craighead, F. C. (1958). Some Weights and Measurements of Desert Bighorn Sheep (Ovis Canadensis Nelsoni). The Journal of Wildlife Management.
Craighead, J. J., Stockstad, D. S. (1960). Color Maker for Big Game. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 24(4). Pp. 435-438.
Craighead, J. J., Hornocker, M., Woodgerd, W., Craighead, F. C. Jr. (1960). Color-Making Grizzly Bears. North American Wildlife Nature Resource Conference, 25. Pp. 347-363.
Craighead, F. C. Sr., Nelson, J. C. (1960). Oak wilt in Pennsylvania. Journal of Forestry, 58(11), 872-881.
Craighead, F. C. Sr., Fergus, C. L., Stambaugh, W. J., Thompson, H. E. (1961). Viable spores of Endoconidiophora fagacearum from bark and wood-boring beetles.
Craighead, J. J., Stockstad, D. S. (1961). Evaluating the Use of Aerial Nesting Platforms by Canada Geese. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 25(4), 363-372.
Craighead, F. C. Sr., Gilbert, V. C. (1962). The effect of hurricane Donna on the vegetation of southern Florida. Quarter Journal of Florida Academy of Science, 25(1), 28.
Craighead, J. J., Hornocker, M. G. (1962). A Comparison of Methods for Obtaining Mortality Records of Ring-Necked Pheasants. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 26(2), 224-226.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1963). Orchids and other air plants of the Everglades National Park. University of Miami Press, Coral Gables, 125.
Craighead, J. J., Craighead, F. C., & Davis, R. J. (1963). A field guide to Rocky Mountain wildflowers from northern Arizona and New Mexico to British Columbia. Cambridge, MA: Riverside Press.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1964). Land, Mangroves and Hurricanes. Fairchild Tropical Garden, 19(4).
Craighead, F. C. Sr., Galinat, W. C. (1964). Some observations on the dissemination of Tripsacumm rhodora, 768.
Craighead, J. J., Craighead, F. C. (1964). Radiotracking of Grizzly Bears in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, 1964. National Geographic Society Research Reports, 35-43.
Craighead, J. J., Hornocker, M. G., Pfeiffer, E. W. (1965). Immobilizing Mountain Lions with Succinylcholine Chloride and Pentobarbital Sodium. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 29(4), 880-883.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1965). A preliminary report on the closure of culverts along the Flamingo highway and the effects of changing water levels on wildlife and plants. Everglades National Park.
Craighead, F. C. Sr., Lakela, O. (1965). Annotated checklist of the cascular plants of Collier, Dade, and Monroe counties, Florida. The Fairchild Tropical Garden and the University of Miami Press, 95.
Craighead, F. C., & Craighead, J. J. (1965). Tracking Grizzly Bears. BioScience, 15(2), 88-92.
Dasmann, R. F., Craighead, F. C. (1966). Exotic Big Game on Public Lands. Bureau of Land Management, USA.
Craighead, J. J., Craighead Jr., F. C. (1965). Report on radiotracking and tele-metering systems for large western mammals. Unpublished.
Craighead, J. J., Craighead, F. C. Jr. (1966). Radiotracking and telemetering system for large western mammals. Mont. Coop. Wild. Res. Unit, University of Montana, Missoula, 67.
Craighead, J. J., Craighead, F. C. Jr. (1967). Radiotelemetry of large western mammals. Progress Report 1965-66. University of Montana, Missoula, 67.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1967). The mangrove belt of southern Florida including the 10,000 islands. Hearing of the Collier County Commissioners (considering urbanization of the 10,000 Islands).
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1967). The vegetation and sedimentation of the Whitewater Bay drainage system of the Everglades National Park. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Craighead, J. J., Craighead, F. C. (1967). Management of bears in Yellowstone National Park. Mimeo rept., Mont. Coop. Wildlife Res., 118.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1968). Vegetation and recent sedimentation of the mangrove area of South Florida. The Florida Naturalist, 42(4), 157-166.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1968). The role of the alligator in shaping plant communities and main ting wildlife in the southern Everglades. Florida Naturalist, 41(1&2).
Craighead, J. J. Craighead, F. C. Jr., et al. (1968). Radiotracking of grizzly bears in Yellowstone National Park, Wyo. National Geographic Soc. Res. Repts., 59-67.
Craighead, J. J., Hornocker, M. G., Shoesmith, M. W., Ellis, R. I. (1969). A Marking Technique for Elk. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 33(4), 906-909.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1969). Some biological aspects of the water situation in the Everglades National Park. Everglades National Park, 27.
Craighead, J. J., Hornocker, M., Craighead, F. C. Jr. (1969). Reproductive biology of young female grizzly bears. J. Reprod. Fert, Suppl., 6, 447-475.
Craighead, F. C. Sr., Scholl, W. D., Stuiver, M. (1969). Florida submergence curve revisited. Science, 163, 562-564.
Craighead, J. C., Graighead, F. C., & George, J. C. (1969). Hawks, owls and wildlife: Photographs by the authors. New York: Dover.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1970). Two Mysteries of the Everglades. Florida Naturalist, 43(2).
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1970). Trees of South Florida: The natural environments and their succession. University of Miami Press, Coral Gables.
Craighead, F. C. Sr. (1970). Trees of South Florida: Identification guide. University of Miami Press, Coral Gables.
Craighead, J. J., Craighead, F. C., & Mccutchen, H. E. (1970). Age Determination of Grizzly Bears from Fourth Premolar Tooth Sections. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 34(2), 353-363.
Craighead, J. J., Craighead, F. C., Varney, J. R., Cote, C. E. (1971). Satellite Monitoring of Black Bear. BioScience, 21(24), 1206–1212.
Buechner, H. K., Craighead, F. C., Craighead, J. J., & Cote, C. E. (1971). Satellites for Research on Free-Roaming Animals. BioScience, 21(24), 1201-1205.
Craighead, J. J., & Craighead, F. C. (1971). Grizzly Bear - Man Relationships in Yellowstone National Park. BioScience,21(16), 845-857.
Craighead, D., Craighead, K. (1972). Yellowstone at 100: a walk through the wilderness. National Geographic, 141 (5), 579-602.
Craighead, D. (1972). The Winter Face of the Snake. Teton Magazine, 25-29.
Buechner, H. K., Cote, C. E., Craighead, J. J. Craighead, F. C. (1972). Satellite and Ground Radiotracking of Elk. Nasa, Washington Animal Orientation and Navigation.
Craighead, J. J., Atwell, G., O'Gara, B. W. (1972). Elk Migrations in and Near Yellowstone National Park. Wildlife Monographs, No. 29.
Craighead, F. C., & Craighead, J. J. (1972). Data on Grizzly Bear Denning Activities and Behavior Obtained by Using Wildlife Telemetry. International Association for Bear Research and Management, 2(A Selection of Papers from the Second International Conference on Bear Research and Management), 23rd ser., 84-106.
Craighead, J. J. (1972). Some Comparative Aspects of Milk from Four Species of Bears. Journal of Mammalogy, 53(1), 34-47.
Craighead, J. J., Craighead, F. C. (1972). Grizzly Bear Prehibernation and Denning Activities as Determined by Radiotracking. Wildlife Monographs, No. 32.
Craighead, J. J., Craighead, F. C., Ruff, R. L., O'Gara B. W. (1973). Home Ranges and Activity Patterns of Nonmigratory Elk of the Madison Drainage Herd as Determined by Biotelemetry. Wildlife Monographs, No. 33.
Sumner, J., Craighead, J. J. (1973). Grizzly Bear Habitat Survey in the Scapegoat Wilderness, Montana. Mimeo Rept. Mont. Coop. Wildlife Res., 67.
Craighead, F. C. (1974). Grizzly Bear Ranges and Movement as Determined by Radiotracking. Third International Conference on Bears.
Varney, J. R.,Craighead, J. J., Sumner, J. S. (1974). An evaluation of the use of Erts-1 Satellite Imagery for Grizzly Bear Habitat Analysis. Third International Conference on Bear Research and Management, Binghamton, New York, USA, 261-273.
Craighead, J. J., Craighead, F. C., Jr., & Sumner, J. (1976). Reproductive Cycles and Rates in the Grizzly Bear, Ursus arctos horribilis, of the Yellowstone Ecosystem. Bears: Their Biology and Management, 3(A Selection of Papers from the Third International Conference on Bear Research and Management), 337-356.
Craighead, J. J., Craighead, F. C., Sumner, J. S., Varney, J. R. (1976). Telemetry Experiments with a Hibernating Black Bear. Bears: Their Biology and Management, 3, 357-371.
Craighead, F. (1976). Grizzly Bear Ranges and Movement as Determined by Radiotracking. Bears: Their Biology and Management, 3, 97-109.
Craighead, D., Folk, E., Folk, M. (1976). A Comparison of Body Temperatures of Least Weasels and Wolverines. Department of Physiology and Biophysics – The University of Iowa/The Naval Arctic Research Laboratory.
Folk, E., Folk, M., Craighead, D. (1977). Daily Rhythms of Body Temperature in Wolverines.
Craighead, F. C. (1978). Assessment of Needs for Satellite Tracking of Birds and Suggestions for Expediting a Program. NASA.
Craighead, F. C. (1979). Track of the Grizzly. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books.
Craighead, Derek J. (1980). Sex differences in nest construction incubation and parental behavior in captive American golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos). University of Montana. Missoula, MT.
Craighead, J. J. (1980). A proposed delineation of critical grizzly bear habitat in the Yellowstone region: A monogr. (Ser. 1). Kalispell, Montana: Bear Biology Association Monograph.
Craighead, D., Craighead, F. L., Mindell, D. (1981). Satellite Radio-Tracking of Birds. Symposium Proceedings from Raptor Management and Biology: Alaska and Northern Canada.
Craighead, F., & Mindell, D. (1981). Nesting Raptors in Western Wyoming, 1947 and 1975. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 45(4), 865-872.
Nelson, R. A., Folk, G. E., Jr., Pfeiffer, E. W., Craighead, J. J., Jonkel, C. J., & Steiger, D. L. (1983). Behavior, Biochemistry, and Hibernation in Black, Grizzly, and Polar Bears. International Association for Bear Research and Management, 5(A Selection of Papers from the Fifth International Conference on Bear Research and Management), 284-290.
Craighead, J. J., Craighead, F. C. (1984). How to Survive on Land and Sea. Naval Inst Press.
Craighead, D., Craighead, F. L. (1985). Mapping Wilderness from Space. Naturalist 36(2), 16-19.
Craighead, J. J., Craighead F.L., Craighead, D. (1986). Using Satellites to Evaluate Ecosystems as Grizzly Bear Habitat. Proceedings - Grizzly Bear Habitat Sym¬posium, Missoula, Montana 1985.
Craighead, D. (1986). Movements of Caribou in the Western Arctic Herd. Argos Newsletter, 1-3.
Craighead, J. J., Craighead, F. L., Craighead, D. (1986). Using Satellites to Evaluate Ecosystems as Grizzly Bear Habitat. Proceedings – Grizzly Bear Habitat Symposium. Missoula, MT.
Craighead, D., Craighead, J. J. (1987). Tracking Caribou using satellite telemetry. National Geographic Research, 3(4), 462-479.
Craighead, J. J., Craighead, F.L, Craighead, D., et al. (1988). Mapping Arctic Vegetation in Northwest Alaska using Landsat MSS Imagery. National Geographic Research 4(4), 496-527.
Craighead, Charles. (1989). Images of Nature: The Photos of Thamas D. Mangelsen. New York: Hugh Lautner Levin Associates: Distributed to Macmillan.
Bayer, W., Craighead, C., Howerton, C. (1990). Grand Teton Wilderness. Jackson Hole, WY: Wolfgang Bayer Productions.
Craighead, Karen. (1991). Large Mammals of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. Yellowstone Association for Natural Science, History & Education, Inc., 31.
George, J. C., Philo, L. M., Hazard, K., Withrow, D., Carroll, G. M., Suydam, R. (1994). Frequency of Killer Whale (Orcinus orcd) Attacks and Ship Collisions Based on Scarring on Bowhead Whales (Balaena mysticetus) of the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas Stock. Arctic Institute of North America, 47 (3), 247-255.
Craighead, Charles. (1994). The Eagle and the River. New York: Macmillan; Toronto: Maxwell Macmillan Canada; New York: Maxwell Macmillan International.
Craighead, L., E. R. Vyse, and H. V. Reynolds III. (1994). Paternity determination with DNA fingerprinting in a grizzly bear population. J. J. Claar, and P. Schullery, editors. Bears: Their Biology and Management: A Selection of Papers from the 9th International Conference on Bear Research and Management, February 23-28 1992, Missoula, Montana. International Association for Bear Research and Management, 529-531.
Craighead, F. L., Younge, E. L., Boertje, R. D. (1994). Conservation genetics of grizzly bears. Montana State University.
Craighead, F. C. (1994). For everything there is a season: The sequence of natural events in the Grand Teton-Yellowstone area. Helena, MT: Falcon Press.
Mattson, D. J., & Craighead, J. J. (1994). The Yellowstone Grizzly Bear Recovery Program: Uncertain Information, Uncertain Policy. Island Press, 101-122.
Craighead, F. L., D. Paektau, H. V. Reynolds, E. Vyse, and C. Strobeck. (1995). Microsatellite analysis of multiple paternity and reproductive success in Arctic grizzly bears.
Craighead, J. J., Sumner, J.S., Mitchell, J.A. (1995). The Grizzly Bears of Yellowstone: Their Ecology in the Yellowstone Ecosystem, 1959-1992. Island Press.
Craighead, C., Dawson, J. D. (1996). The Grand Canyon: An Artist's View. Salt Lake City: Haggis House Publications.
Craighead, C., Mangelsen, T. D., Ormsby, L. (1997). Who Ate the Backyard?: Living with Wildlife on Private Lands. Moose, Wyo.: Grand Teton Natural History Association and the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation in Cooperation with the National Park Service.
Craighead, L., Walker, R. (1997). Analyzing Wildlife Movement Corridors in Montana Using GIS. ESRI.
George, J. G., Suydam, R. (1998). Observations of Killer Whale (Ocrinus Orca) Predation in the Northeastern Chukchi and Western Beaufort Seas). Marine Mammal Science, 14(2), 330-332.
Craighead, G., Exum, G. (1998). Never a Bad Word or a Twisted Rope: a Collection of Climbing Stories. Moose, Wyo.: Grand Teton Natural History Association.
Craighead, F. L., D. Paetkau, H. V. Reynolds, C. Strobeck, and E. R. Vyse. (1998). Use of microsatellite DNA analyses to infer breeding behavior and demographic processes in an arctic grizzly bear population. A selection of papers from the 10th International Conference on Bear Research and Management, July 1995, Fairbanks, Alaska, and September 1995, Mora, Sweden. Ursus 10, 323-327.
Craighead, J. J. (1998). Status of the Yellowstone Grizzly Bear Population: Has It Recovered, Should It Be Delisted? Ursus, 10(A Selection of Papers from the Tenth International Conference on Bear Research Management), 597-602.
Craighead, D. (1998). An Integrated Satellite Technique to Evaluate Grizzly Bear Habitat Use. Ursus, 10, 187-201.
Craighead, J. J. (1998). Yellowstone in Transition. Yale University Press, 27-39.
Craighead, J. J. (1998). Thinking Like a Mountain. Wildlife Society Bulletin (1973-2006), 26(4).
Chalfoun, A., Craighead, D. J., Smith, R. (2000). The distribution and abundance of Uinta Ground Squirrel, Spermophilus armatus, colonies in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. Craighead Beringia South.
Chalfoun, A., Craighead, D. J., Smith, R. (2000). Prey Base of Red-tailed Hawks in Northwestern Wyoming: a review and comparison of several methods: 2000. Craighead Beringia South.
Cain, H. S., Craighead, D. J., Smith, R. N. (2000). Nesting activity and productivity of Red-tailed Hawks and Common ravens in Grand Teton National Park. Craighead Beringia South.
Cain, H. S., Craighead, D. J., Smith, R. N. (2000). Migration and winter ecology of four Red-tailed Hawks determined by satellite telemetry. Craighead Beringia South.
Cain, H. S., Craighead, D. J., Smith, R. N. (2000). Winter ecology of Red-tailed Hawks from northwestern Wyoming. Study objectives and field methodologies. Craighead Beringia South.
Craighead, A., Craighead, L., Roberts, E. A. (2001). Bozeman Pass wildlife linkage and highway safety study. UC Davis Road Ecology Center.
Craighead, D., Smith, R. N. (2001). Breeding Raptor Census in Grand Teton National Park, 2001. The UW National Parks Service Research Station Annual Reports, 25.
Craighead, D. J., Smith, R. N., Wigglesworth, R. (2001). Prey Base of Red-tailed Hawks in Northwestern Wyoming. Craighead Beringia South.
Cain, H. S., Craighead, D. J., Smith, R. N. (2001). Migration and winter ecology of four Red-tailed Hawks determined by satellite telemetry. Craighead Beringia South.
Craighead, D. J., Lindquist, E., Smith, R. N. (2001). Red-tailed Hawk winter habitat assessment. Craighead Beringia South.
Craighead, F. L. (2002). Wildlife-related Road Impacts in the Yellowstone to Yukon Region.
Craighead, D., & Smith, R. (2002). Breeding Raptor Census in Grand Teton National Park, 2002. The UW National Parks Service Research Station Annual Reports, 26, 21-25.
Craighead, D. J., Smith, R.N. (2002). Accuracy Assessment of PTT locations for tracking Red-tailed Hawks. Craighead Beringia South.
Bedrosian, B., Craighead, D. J., Smith, R.N. (2002). Analysis of Red-tailed Hawk Nest Temperatures. Craighead Beringia South.
Craighead, D. J., Wigglesworth, R. (2002). Atlantic Salmon harvest from the Lorne Cottage stretch of the Cascapedia River, Quebec, 1975-2000. Craighead Beringia South.
Cain, H. S., Craighead, D. J., Smith, R. N. (2002). Migration and winter ecology of four Red-tailed Hawks determined by satellite telemetry. Craighead Beringia South.
Craighead, John Johnson. (2003). A Poem, A Sketch - The Verses and Drawings of John Johnson Craighead. Self-Published.
Craighead, Charles. (2005). Canyons and Lakes of Grand Teton National Park. Moose, Wyo.: Grand Teton Natural History Association.
Craighead, Charles. (2005). The Best of Grand Teton National Park: Wildlife, Wildflowers, Hikers, History & Scenic Drives. Moose, Wyo.: Grand Teton Natural History Association.
Craighead, Charles. (2006). History of the Grand Teton National Park: People in the Landscape. Moose, Wyo.: Grand Teton Natural History Association.
Craighead, C., Holdsworth, H. (2006). The Kid's Guide to Grand Teton National Park: The Best Things to Know. Moose, Wyo.: Grand Teton Natural History Association.
Bonnie, K., Craighead, C., Ostertag, S. (2006). Arctic Dance: The Mardy Murie Story. Craighead Environmental Research Institute; Montreal, Quebec: NDi Media Distribution.
Bedrosian, B., & Craighead, D. (2006). Lead Toxicosis in Scavenging Species within the Southern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. The UW National Parks Service Research Station Annual Reports, 30, 77-82.
Bedrosian, B., Craighead D. (2006). Factors Influencing High Nesting Density and Low Productivity of the Common Raven in Wyoming. Journal of Avian Biology.
Reynolds, H., Craighead, D., Luvsamjamba, A., Tserenbataa, T., Batmunkh, M., Ganbold, D., Ross, J. E., Sumkhuu, B. (2006). The Gobi Bear Project Conservation Efforts for the Critically Endangered Gobi Bear.
Craighead, C., Holdsworth, H. (2007). A Portrait of Jackson Hole & the Tetons. Helena, MT: Farcountry Press.
Bedrosian, B., & Craighead, D. (2007). Evaluation Of Techniques For Attaching Transmitters To Common Raven Nestlings. Northwestern Naturalist, 88(1).
Bedrosian, B., & Craighead, D. (2007). Band Wear in Common Ravens. North American Bird Bander, 32(4), 149-152.
Craighead, C., Kreps, B., Reagan, L. (2008). Don’t Fence Me In: Celebrating Women and Girls of Wyoming. Wyoming: Equipoise Fund.
Craighead, D., & Bedrosian, B. (2008). Blood Lead Levels of Common Ravens With Access to Big-Game Offal. Journal of Wildlife Management, 72(1), 240-245.
Bedrosian, B., Craighead, D., Rogers, T. (2008). Record Mass for North American Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos canadensis). Journal of Raptor Research, 42(2), 156-157.
Bedrosian, B., Craighead, D., Loutsch, J. (2008). Using Morphometrics To Determine the Sex of Common Ravens. Northwestern Naturalist, 89(1), 46-52.
Reynolds, H., Amgalan, L., Tserenbataa, T., Craighead, D., Mijiddorj, B., Proctor, M., Ross, J., Odbayar, T. (2008). The Gobi Bear Project – Conservation of the Critically Endangered Gobi Bear Progress Report, 1-14.
George, John Craighead. (2009). Growth, Morphology And Energetics Of Bowhead Whales (Balaena Mysticetus). University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Craighead, C. (2009). Grand Teton Trivia. Helena, MT: Riverbend Publishing.
Craighead, C., Holdsworth, H. (2009). Moose of Yellowstone and Grand Teton. Helena, MT: Farcountry Press.
Craighead, D., Metcalf, J. S., Banack, S. A., & Amgalan, L. (2009). Presence of the neurotoxic amino acids β-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) and 2,4-diamino-butyric acid (DAB) in shallow springs from the Gobi Desert. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, 10(2), 96-100.
Bedrosian, B., & Craighead, D. (2009). Blood Lead Levels of Bald and Golden Eagles Sampled During and After Hunting Seasons in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Craighead Beringia South.
Craighead, D., Bedrosian, B. (2009). A relationship between blood lead levels of Common Ravens and the hunting season in the southern Yellowstone Ecosystem. Conference: Ingestion of Lead from Spent Ammunition: Implications for Wildlife and Humans. DOI 10.4080/ilsa.2009.0206
Craighead, A. C., Craighead, F. L, Oechsli. (2010). Bozeman Pass Post-Fencing Wildlife Monitoring. Conference on Ecology.
Crandall, R. H., Bedrosian, B., & Craighead, D. (2011). 50-Year Golden Eagle Nesting Trends In South-Central Montana. Intermountain Journal of Sciences, 17(1-4).
Tumendemberel, O., Proctor, M., Reynolds, H., Amgalan, L., Tserenbataa, T., Batmunkh, M., Craighead, D., Yanjin, N., Paetkau, D. (2011). Gobi Bear Population Survey 2009, 1-24.
Craighead, A., Craighead, F. L., Oechsli, L., Kociolek, A. (2012). Identification and Evaluation of Sites for Low-Cost Wildlife Mitigation. 2011 International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET 2011).
Bedrosian, B., Craighead, D., Crandall, R. (2012). Lead Exposure in Bald Eagles from Big Game Hunting, the Continental Implications and Successful Mitigation Efforts. PLoS ONE, 7(12).
Elbroch, M., Quigley, H., Craighead, D. (2012). Teton Cougar Project – 2012 Progress Report. Craighead Beringia South. Kelly, WY, USA.
Elbroch, L. M., Lendrum, P. E., Newby, J., Quigley, H., Craighead, D. (2013). Seasonal Foraging Ecology of Non-Migratory Cougars in a System with Migrating Prey. PLoS ONE 8(12).
Bartnick, T. D., Van Deelan, T. R., Quigley, H. B., & Craighead, D. (2013). Variation in cougar (Puma concolor) predation habits during wolf (Canis lupus) recovery in the southern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 91(2).
Bartnick, T. D., Cuthill, M., Craighead, D., Quigley, H. (2013). Apparent Adoption of Orphaned Cougars (Puma concolor) in Northwestern Wyoming. Western North American Naturalist 74(1), 133-137.
Lendrum, P. E., Elbroch, L. M., Quigley, H., Thompson, D. J., Jimenez, M., Craighead, D. (2014). Home range characteristics of a subordinate predator: selection for refugia or prey availability? J Zool, 294(1). doi:10.1111/jzo.12153
Bedrosian, B., Craighead, D., Crandall, R. (2013). Identifying Factors Influencing Presence and Reproductive Success of a Golden Eagle Population in South Central Montana. Intermountain Journal of Sciences, 19(1-4).
Crandall, R. H., Bedrosian, B. E., & Craighead, D. (2015). Habitat Selection and Factors Influencing Nest Survival of Golden Eagles in South-Central Montana. Journal of Raptor Research, 49(4), 413-428.
Bedrosian, B., Cain, B., Wolff, S., Craighead, D. (2015). Migratory Pathways, Timing, and Home Range of Southern Greater Yellowstone Osprey. Journal of Raptor Research 49(3), 325-332.
Tumendemberel, O., Proctor, M., Reynolds, H., Boulanger, J., Luvsamjamba, A., Tserenbataa, T., Paetkau, D. (2015). Gobi Bear Abundance and Inter-Oases Movements, Gobi Desert, Mongolia. Ursus, 26(2), 129-142.
Craighead, C., Holdsworth, H., Reagan, M. (2016). Day Hikes and Short Walks of Grand Teton National Park: Official Guidebook of Grand Teton National Park. Moose, WY: Grand Teton Association.
Brock, B., Craighead, A., Craighlead, L., Kociolek, A. V. (2016). Evaluating Wildlife Mortality Hotspots, Habitat Connectivity and Potential Accommodation along US 287 and MT 87 in the Madison Valley, Montana [Final Report]. Montana Dept. of Transportation. Research Programs.
Crandall, R. H., Craighead, D. J., & Bedrosian, B. E. (2016). A Comparison of Nest Survival Between Cliff- and Tree-nesting Golden Eagles. Journal of Raptor Research, 50(3), 295-300.
Craighead, D., Crandall, R. H., Smith, R. N., & Cain, S. L. (2016). Migration of Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) from northwest Wyoming. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 128(1), 150-158.
Elbroch, L. M., Marescot, L., Quigley, H., Craighead, D., Wittmer, H. U. (2016). Rapid human-facilitated shift in top predator regime following the recovery of a large carnivore. ESA Annual Meeting 2016 – Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Haynam III, R. T. (2017). High Resolution Mapping of Hierarchical Greater Sage-Grouse Nesting Habitat: A Grain-Spectrum Approach in Northwestern Wyoming. University of Montana.
Craighead, J. C., Citta, J. J., Clarke, J. T., Druckenmiller, M. L., Ferguson, M. C., Quakenbush, L. (2018). Trends in sea-ice cover within bowhead whale habitats in the Pacific Arctic. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 152, 95-107.
Craighead, F. L., Cross, B., McCrory, W. P. (2018). Potential Impacts of the Proposed Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail Route on Threatened Grizzly Bears and Their Recover in the Yaak Watershead Area, NW Montana. Yaak Valley Forest Council.
Elbroch, L. M., Marescot, L., Quigley, H., Craighead, D., & Wittmer, H. U. (2018). Multiple anthropogenic interventions drive puma survival following wolf recovery in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Ecology and Evolution, 8(14), 7236-7245.
Craighead, A., et al. (2019). Alternatives to genetic affinity as a context for within-species response to climate. Nature Climate Change, 9, 877-794.
Craighead, F. L. (2019). The Status of the Grizzly Bear and Conservation of Biological Diversity in the Northern Rocky Mountains. Compendium of Expert Statements.
Crandall, R. H., Craighead, D. J., Bedrosian, B., & Slabe, V. A. (2019). Survival Estimates and Cause of Mortality of Golden Eagles in South-Central Montana. Journal of Raptor Research, 53(1), 35-38.
Crandall, R. H., & Craighead, D. J. (2019). American Kestrel Wintering Location Identified Using a Global Positioning System Data Logger. Journal of Raptor Research, 53(2).
Craighead, J. C., et al. (2020). Evidence suggests potential transformation of the Pacific Arctic ecosystem is underway. Nature Climate Change, 10, 342-348.
Craighead, J. C., et al. (2020). Whale Reflectane Spectra. University of Cambridge.
Craighead, F. L. (2020). One of Us. A review of a self-published book by Barrie K. Gilbert. Biological Conservation, 248.
Elbroch, L. M., Ferguson, J., Quigley, H. Craighead, Derek, Thompson, D., Wittmer, Heiko U. (2020). Reintroduced wolves and hunting limit the abundance of a subordinate apex predator in a multi-use landscape. Medicine Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Proc. R. Soc. B. 287:20202202, 10.
Citta, J. J., Quakenbush, L., George, J. C. (2021). Distribution and behavior of Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort bowhead whales as inferred by telemetry. Department of Wildlife Management; North Slope Borough, Utqiagvik, AK, US, 34-56.
George, J. C., Thewissen, J. G. M., Von Duyke, A. Breed, Greg A., Suydam, R., Sformo, T. L., Person, B. T., Brower Jr., H. K. (2021). Life history, growth, and form. Department of Wildlife Management; North Slope Borough, Utqiagvik, AK, US, 87-115.
Thewissen, J. G. M., Hillmann, D. J., George, J. C., Stimmelmayr, R., Tarpley, R. J., Sheffield, G., Suydam, R. (2021). Prenatal development. Department of Wildlife Management; North Slope Borough, Utqiagvik, AK, US, 117-125.
Hillman, D. J., Tarpley, R. J., George, J. C., Nader, P. B., Thewissen, J. G. M. (2021). Anatomy of skull and mandible. Department of Wildlife Management; North Slope Borough, Utqiagvik, AK, US, 127-149.
Thewissen, J. G. M., Hillmann, D. J., George, J. C., Tarpley, R. J., Sheffield, G., Stimmelmayr, R., Suydam, R. (2021). Postcranial skeleton and musculature. Department of Wildlife Management; North Slope Borough, Utqiagvik, AK, US, 137-149.
Stimmelmayr, R., Horstmann, L., Person, B. T., George, T. C. (2021). Hematology, serum, and urine composition. Department of Wildlife Management; North Slope Borough, Utqiagvik, AK, US, 151-183.
Tarpley, R. J., Hilmann, D. J., George, J. C., Thewissen, J. G. M. (2021). Female and male reproduction. Department of Wildlife Management; North Slope Borough, Utqiagvik, AK, US, 185.
George, J. C., Horstmann, L., Fortune, S., Sformo, T. L., Elsner, R., Follmann, E. (2021). Thermoregulation and energetics. Department of Wildlife Management; North Slope Borough, Utqiagvik, AK, US, 237-260.
Thewissen, J. G. M., George, J. C., Suydam, R., Sformo, T. L. (2021). Sensory systems. Department of Wildlife Management; North Slope Borough, Utqiagvik, AK, US, 273-284.
George, J. C., Lubetkin, S. C., Zeh, J. E., Thewissen, J. G. M., Wetzel, D., Givens, G. H. (2021). Age estimation. Department of Wildlife Management; North Slope Borough, Utqiagvik, AK, US, 309-322.
Moore, S. E., George, J. C., Reeves, R. R. (2021). Bowhead whale ecology in changing high-latitude ecosystems. Department of Wildlife Management; North Slope Borough, Utqiagvik, AK, US, 417-427.
Sheffield, G., George, J. C. (2021). Diet and prey. Department of Wildlife Management; North Slope Borough, Utqiagvik, AK, US, 429-455.
Stimmelmayr, R., Rotstein, D., Sheffield, G., Brower Jr., H. K., George, J. C. (2021). Diseases and parasites. Department of Wildlife Management; North Slope Borough, Utqiagvik, AK, US, 471-498.
Suydam, R., George, J. C. (2021). Current indigenous whaling. Department of Wildlife Management; North Slope Borough, Utqiagvik, AK, US, 519-535.
Thewissen, J. G. M., George, J. C. (2021). Department of Wildlife Management; North Slope Borough, Utqiagvik, AK, US, 537-547. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818969-6.00033-9
Huntington, H. P., Ferguson, S. H., George, J. C., Noongwook, G., Quakenbush, L., Thewissen, J. G. M. (2021). Indigenous knowledge in research and management. Department of Wildlife Management; North Slope Borough, Utqiagvik, AK, US, 549-564.
George, J. C., Sheffield, G., Tudor, B. J., Stimmelmayr, R., Moore, M. (2021). Fishing gear entanglement and vessel collisions. Department of Wildlife Management; North Slope Borough, Utqiagvik, AK, US, 577-590.
Suydam, R., Lefevre, J., Givens, G. H., George, J. C., Litovka, D., Brower Jr., H. K. (2021). Conservation and management. Department of Wildlife Management; North Slope Borough, Utqiagvik, AK, US, 607-619.
Thewissen, J. G. M., George, J. C. (2021). Past, present, and future. Department of Wildlife Management; North Slope Borough, Utqiagvik, AK, US, 621-626.