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For the past 23 years, CBS has gathered some of the most extensive and comprehensive datasets on wildlife species in the Jackson Hole area and beyond. Our applied research program builds knowledge about current issues, problems, and management strategies with the hope of achieving a deeper understanding of our resources and how to protect them. You’ll find our research listed below.
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Craighead Beringia South Publications
SNAPSHOT USA 2020: A second coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States during the COVID‐19 pandemic. (2022) Kays, et al. Ecology e3775. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3775.
Demographic implications of lead poisoning for eagles across North America. (2022). Slabe, et al. Science 375, 779-782.
Age-specific survival rates, causes of death, and allowable take of golden eagles in the western United States. (2022). Millsap, et al. Esa e2544.
A novel camera trapping method for individually identifying Pumas by facial features. (2021). Alexander, P., Craighead, D. Ecology and Evolution, 12, e8536. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8536
Disturbance type and species life history predict mammal responses to humans. (2021). Suraci, J. P., Gaynor, K. M., Allen, M. L., Alexander, P., Brashares, J. S., Cendejas, Zarelli, S., Wilmers, C. C. Global Change Biology, 27(16), 3718-3731.
Reintroduced wolves and hunting limit the abundance of a subordinate apex predator in a multi-use landscape. (2020). Elbroch, L. M., Ferguson, J., Quigley, H., Craighead, D., Thompson, D., Wittmer, H. U. Biology, Medicine Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Multiple anthropogenic interventions drive puma survival following wolf recovery in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. (2018). Elbroch, L. M., Marescot, L., Quigley, H., Craighead, D., Wittmer, H. Biology, Medicine Ecology and Evolution, 8(14), 7236-7245.
Identifying individual cougars (Puma concolor) in remote camera images – implications for population estimates. (2018). Alexander, P. D., Gese, E. M. Wildlife Research, 45, 274.
Comparing conventional and noninvasive monitoring techniques for assessing cougar population size in the southern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. (2016). Alexander, P. D. Utah State University.
A comparison of productivity and factors influencing selection of tree and cliff nest sites used by golden eagles in Montana. (2016) Bedrosian, B., Rogers, T., Craighead, D. Journal of Raptor Research, 50(3), 295-300.
Migration of Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo Jamaicensis from northwest Wyoming. (2016). Craighead, D., Crandall, R. H., Smith, R. N., Cain, S. L. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 128(1), 150-158.
Migratory pathways, timing, and home range of southern Greater Yellowstone Osprey. (2015). Bedrosian, B., Cain, S., Wolff, S., Craighead, D. Journal of Raptor Research, 49, 325-332.
Tomayto, tomahto: tree and cliff nesting golden eagles in south central Montana. Crandall, R. H., Bedrosian, B. E., Craighead, D. J. CBS.
Spatial overlap in a solitary carnivore: support for the land-tenure, kinship, or resource dispersion hypotheses? (2015). Elbroch, L. M., Lendrum, P. E., Quigley, H., Cragiulo, A. Journal of Animal Ecology, 85(2), 487-496.
Spatial associations in a solitary predator: using genetic tools and GPS technology to assess cougar social organization in the Southern Yellowstone Ecosystem. (2015). Elbroch, L. M., Quigley, H. B., Caragiulo, A. Acta Ethologica, 18, 127-136.
Habitat selection and factors influencing nest survival of golden eagles in south-central Montana. (2015). Crandall, R. H., Bedrosian, B. E., Craighead, D. Journal of Raptor Research, 49, 413-428.
Gobi Bear Abundance and Inter-Oases Movements, Gobi Desert, Mongolia. (2015). Tumendemberel, O., Proctor, M., Reynolds, H., Boulanger, J., Luvsamjamba, A., Tserenbataa, T., Batmunkh, M., Craighead, D., Yanjin, N., Paetkau, D. Urus, 26(2), 129-142.
The gobi bear and the Mongolian Gobi Desert CBS.
Recolonizing wolves influence the realized niche of resident cougars. (2015). Elbroch, L. M., Lendrum, P. E., Newby, J., Quigley, H., Thompson, D. J. Zoological Studies, 54.
Cougar den site selection in the Southern Yellowstone Ecosystem. (2015). Elbroch, L. M., Lendrum, P. E., Alexander, P., Quigley, H. Mammal Research, 60, 89-96.
Home range characteristics of a subordinate predator: selection for refugia or hunt opportunity? (2014). Lendrum, P. E., Elbroch, L. M., Quigley, H., Thompson, D., Jimenez, M., Craighead, D. Journal of Zoology, 294(1), 58-66.
The Greater Yellowstone Carnivore Studies, Past and Future. What Next? (2014). Hornocker, M., Craighead, D. Wild Felid Monitor 9-11.
Apparent Adoption of Orphaned Cougars (Puma concolor) in Northwestern Wyoming. (2014). Bartnick, T. D., Cuthill, M., Craighead, D., Quigley, H. B. Western North American Naturalist, 74(1), 133-137.
Home range characteristics of a subordinate predator: selection for refugia or hunt opportunity? (2014). Lendrum, P. E., Elbroch, L. M., Quigley, H., Thompson, D. J., Jimenez, M., Craighead, D. Journal of Zoology, 294, 59-67.
My Place, Your Place, Our Place!: The Gobi Bear's Place in Mongolia. (2014).
Low neutral genetic diversity in isolated Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) populations in northwest Wyoming. (2014). Schulwitz, S., Bedrosian, B., Johnson, J. A. The Condor, 116(4), 560-573.
Habitat prioritization across large landscapes, multiple seasons, and novel areas: and example using greater sage-grouse in Wyoming. (2014). Fedy, B. C., Doherty, K. E., Aldridge, C. L., O'Donnell, Michael, Beck, J. L., Bedrosian, B., Gummer, D., et al. Wildlife Monographs, 190(1), 1-39.
The Ghost of the Forest: Great Gray Owl Study Update. (2013). CBS.
Seasonal foraging ecology of non‐migratory cougars in a system with migrating prey. (2013). Elbroch, L. M., Lendrum, P., Newby, J., Quigley, H., & Craighead, D. PLoS One, 8, e83375.
Human-caused mortality influences spatial population dynamics: Pumas in landscapes with varying mortality risks. (2013). Newby, J. R., Mills, L. S., Ruth, T. K., Pletscher, D. H., Mitchell, M. S., Quigley, H. B., Murphy, K. M., DeSimone, R. Biological Conservation, 159, 230-239.
Variation in cougar (Puma concolor) predation habits during wolf (Canis lupus) recovery in the southern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. (2013). Bartnick, T. D., Van Deelen, T. R., Quigley, H. B., Craighead, D. Canadian Journal of Zoology.
Seasonal foraging ecology of non‐migratory cougars in a system with migrating prey. (2013). Elbroch, L. M., Lendrum, P. E., Newby, J., Quigley, H., Craighead, D. PLoS One, 8, e83375.
Identifying environmental factors influencing golden eagle presence and reproductive success. (2013). Crandall, Ross. University of Montana.
The Teton Cougar Project: Cougar ecology and monitoring in the Southern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. (2012). Elbroch, M., Quigley, H., Craighead, D. CBS.
Interseasonal movements of Greater Sage-Grouse, migratory behavior, and an assessment of the core regions concept in Wyoming. (2012). Fedy, B. C., Aldridge, C. L., Doherty, K. E., O'Donnell, M. Beck, J. L., Bedrosian, B., Holloran, M. J., Johnson, G. D., Kaczor, N. W., Kirol, C. P, Madich, C. A., Marshal, D., McKee, G., Olson Swanson, C. C., Walker, B. L. The Journal of Wildlife Management.
Lead exposure in bald eagles from big game hunting, the continental implications and successful mitigation efforts. (2012). Bedrosian, B., Craighead, D., Crandall, R. PLoS One, 7(12): e51978.
The Andean Condor: A Field Study. (2012). McGahan, J. Self-published: Arlee, MT.
Gobi bear population survey and conservation in Mongolia. (2011). Tumendemberel, O., Proctor, M., Reynolds, H., Luvsamjamba, A., Tserenbatataa, T., Batmunkh, M., Craighead, D., Yanjin, N., Paetkau, D.
Cougar survival and source-sink structure on Greater Yellowstone's Northern Range. (2011). Ruth, T. K., Haroldson, M. A., Murphy, K. M., Buotte, P. C., Hornocker, M. G., Quigley, H. B. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 75(6), 1381-1398.
Lead exposure in large carnivore in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. (2011). Rogers, T. A., Bedrosian, B., Graham, J., Foresman, K. R. The Journal Wildlife Management, 9999, 1-8. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/528f911de4b01f2a31514e96/t/52d82215e4b09cce38a99170/1389896213561/Rogers_et_al.pdf
Sage-grouse completion report: 2007-2009. (2010). Bedrosian, B., Craighead, D., Crandall, R. Ruehmann, M., Slabe, V. CBS.
Common raven activity in relation to land using in Western Wyoming: implications for greater sage-grouse reproductive success. (2010). Bui, T. D., Marzluff, J. M., Bedrosian, B. The Condor, 000(0) 1-14.
Critical winter habitat characteristics of greater sage-grouse in a high altitude environment. (2010). Crandall, R. H., Bedrosian, B. E., Craighead, D. J. Northwestern Naturalist.
Comparing ground telemetry and global positioning system methods to determine cougar kill rates. (2010). Ruth, T. K., Buotte, P. C., Quigley, H. B. Journal of Widlife Managements, 74, 1122-1133.
Investigating Cougar Predation Habits in the Souther Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. (2010). Bartnick, T. D. University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
Gobi bear population survey and conservation in Mongolia. (2010). Tumendemberel, O., Proctor, M., Reynolds, H., Luvsamjamba, A., Tserenbatataa, T., Batmunkh, M., Craighead, D., Yanjin, N., Paetkau, D.
Gobi bear population survey and conservation in Mongolia. (2009). Tumendemberel, O., Proctor, M., Reynolds, H., Luvsamjamba, A., Tserenbatataa, T., Batmunkh, M., Craighead, D., Yanjin, N., Paetkau, D.
Presence of the neurotoxic amino acids B -N-methylamino-L-alanine(BMAA) and 2,4-diamino-butyric acid (DAB) in shallow springs from the Gobi Desert. (2009). Craighead, D., Metcalf, J. S., Banack, S. A., Amgalan, L., Reynolds, H. V., Batmunkh, M. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, 10(1), 96-100.
Analysis among and between three techniques and four avian species. (2009). Watson, R. T., Fuller, M., Pokras, M. Hunt, W. G., Craighead, D., Bedrosian, B, Parish, C.
A relationship between blood lead levels of Common Raven and the hunting season in the Southern Yellowstone Ecosystem. (2009). Watson, R. T., Fuller, M., Pokras, M. Hunt, W. G., Craighead, D., Bedrosian, B.
Ravens, Grouse, and People: Setting a framework for solutions. (2009). Wyoming Animal Damage Management Board, 36
Ingestion of lead from spent ammunition: implications for wildlife and humans. (2009). Bedrosian, B., Parish, C. N., Craighead, D. The Peregrine Fund. Boise, ID, USA
Using morphometrics to determine the sex of common ravens. (2008). Bedrosian, B., Loutsch, J., Craighead, D. Northwestern Naturalist, 89, 46-52.
Blood lead levels of common ravens with access to big-game offal. (2008). Craighead, D., Bedrosian, B. Journal of Wildlife Management, 72. 240-245.
The gobi bear project, Conservation of the critically endangered Gobi Bear. (2008). Reynolds, H., Alaska, R., Amgalan, L., Tserenbataa, T., Craighead, D., Mijiddorj, B., Proctor, M., Ross, J., Tumendemberel, O., Nyambaya, G., Dovchindorj, G., Amgalan, B. 14.
Record mass of North American golden eagle. (2008). Bedrosian, B., Rogers, T., Craighead, D. Journal of Raptor Research, 42(2), 156-157.
Evaluation of techniques for attaching transmitters to common raven nestlines. (2007). Bedrosian, B., Craighead, D. Northwestern Naturalist, 88. 1-6.
Band wear in common ravens. (2007). Bedrosian, B., Craighead, D. North American Bird Bander, 1-5.
Frequency of injuries in three raptor species wintering in Northeastern Arkansas. (2007). Bedrosian, B. E., St. Pierre, A. M. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 119(2), 196-298.
Evaluation of techniques for attaching transmitter Common Raven fledglings. (2007). Bedrosian, B., Craighead, D. Northwestern Naturalist, 88, 1-6.
Cougar Ecology and Cougar-Wolf Interactions in the Southern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem - Teton Cougar Project. (2005). Jaffe, R., Quigley, H., Craighead, D. CBS.
Nesting and post-fledging ecology of Common Ravens in Jackson Hole. (2005). Bedrosian, B. E. Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, AR.
Accuracy assessment of Argos PTT locations for tracking red-tailed hawks. (2004). Craighead, D., Smith, R. N. Raptor Research Foundation - California Hawking Club 2004 Annual Meeting.
A technique for non-invasively detecting stress response in cougars. (2004). Bonier, F., Quigley, H., Austen, S. N. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 23(3). 711-717.
Large-carnivore response to recreation big-game hunting along the Yellowstone National Park and Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Boundary. (2003). Ruth, T. K., Smith, D. W., Haroldson, M. A., Buotte, P. C., Schwartz, C. C., Quigley, H. B., Cherry, S., Murphy, K. M, Tyers, D., Frey, K. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 31(4), 1150-1161.
Assessing differential prey selection patterns between two sympatric large carnivores. (2003). Husseman, J. S., Murray, D. L., Power, G., Mack, C., Wenger, C. R., Quigley, H. Oikos, 101(3) 591-602.
Analysis of Red-tailed Hawk Nest Temperatures. (2002). Craighead, D. J., Bedrosian, B., Smith, R. N. CBS.
Uinta Ground Squirrel Surveys, Grand Teton National Park, Summer. (2001) Craighead, D. J., Wigglesworth, R., Smith, R. N. CBS.
Breeding raptor census in Grand Teton National Park. (2001). Craighead, D. J., Smith, R. N. CBS 23.
Red-tailed Hawk winter habitat assessment. (2001). Craighead, D. J., Lindquist, E., Smith, R. N. CBS.
Red-tailed Hawk Seasonal Migration, Dispersal, and Wintering Areas. (2000). Craighead, D., Smith, R., Cain, S. CBS.
Prey base of red-tailed hawks in Northwestern Wyoming. (2000). Craighead, D. J., Smith, R. N., Chalfoun, A. CBS 9.
Nesting activity and productivity of red-tailed hawks and common raves in Grand Teton National Park. (2000). Craighead, D. J., Smith, R. N., Cain, H. S. CBS
Winter ecology of Red-tailed Hawks from northwestern Wyoming: Study objectives and field methodologies. (2000). Craighead, D. J., Smith, R. S. N., Cain, H. S. CBS.
Migration and winter ecology of four red-tailed hawks determined by satellite telemetry. (2000). Craighead, D. J., Smith, R. S. N., Cain, H. S. CBS.
The distribution and abundance of Uinta Ground Squirrel, Spermophilus armatus, colonies in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. (2000). Craighead, D. J., Smith, R. N., Chalfoun, A. CBS 13.
Migratory behavior and seasonal home range estimates for bald eagles using the Rocky Mountain Flyway Bedrosian, B., Crandall, R., Craighead, D.
Solar Powered GPS Transmitter Use on Sage Grouse: Methods of Attachment, Influences on Survival, and Success Rates of Transmitters Craighead, Derek, Bedrosian, Bryan, E. CBS https://www.fs.fed.us/t-d/programs/im/satellite_gps_telemetry/_assets/Grouse%20GPS%20Attachment_Craighead%20Beringia%20South.pdf
The gobi bear and the Mongolian Gobi Desert CBS
Lead exposure in bald eagles from big game hunting, the continental implications and successful mitigation efforts Bedrosian, B., Craighead, D., Crandall, R. PLoS One, 7(12), e515978
Blood lead levels in eagles during and after big-game hunting seasons Bedrosian, B., Craighead, D. The Journal of Raptor Research
Nest-Site Selection, Habitat Use, and Reproductive Success of Red-tailed Hawks in Grand Teton National Park 111
Nest-Site Selection, Habitat Use, and Reproductive Success of Red-tailed Hawks in Grand Teton National Park CBS 111
A half-century comparison of breeding raptors in Grand Teton National Park, 1947 – 2001 Craighead, D., Smith, R., et al
Black Bear Ecology in the Teton Valley Hornocker, Quigley, H., Craighead, D., Grey, Rachel.
Graduate Theses:
Effects of wolf and grizzly bear recovery on cougars in a multi-use system. (2021). Jen Feltner. University of Montana.
Comparing conventional and noninvasive monitoring techniques for assessing cougar population size in the southern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. (2016). Alexander, Pete D. Utah State University.Influences of elk management on the common raven population in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. (2002). White, Crow. The University of Montana, Missoula, MT.
Low neutral genetic diversity in isolated Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) populations in northwest Wyoming. (2014). Schulwitz, S. The Condor, 116(4), 560-573.
High resolution mapping of hierarchical Greater Sage-grouse nesting habitat: a grain-spectrum approach in Northwestern Wyoming. 2017. Robert (Trapper) T. Haynam III. Master of Science (Systems Ecology) at The University of Montana.
Identifying environmental factors influencing golden eagle presence and reproductive success. (2013). Crandall, Ross. University of Montana.
Puma dispersal ecology in the Central Rocky Mountains. (2011). Newby, Jesse Ray. University of Montana.
Lead exposure in large carnivores in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. (2010). Rogers, Thomas Alan. The University of Montana, Missoula, MT.
An internship in conservation biology with Craighead Beringia South. (2010). Glover, Alicia. Miami University.
Common raven activity in relation to land use in Western Wyoming: Implications for greater sage-grouse reproduction success. (2010). Bui, Thuy-Vy D., Marzluff, J. M., Bedrosian, B. The Condor, 000(0) 14-Jan.
Blood Selenium Concentration in Ravens, Bald Eagles, and Mallard Ducks. (2010). Trapper Haynam. BS Thesis, University of Montana, Missoula, MT.
Investigating cougar predation habits in the Southern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. (2010). Bartnick, T. D. University of Wisconsin Madison.
Characteristics of wolf and cougar kill sites in the Southern Yellowstone Ecosystem. (2006). Woodruff, Susannah. Prescott College.
Nesting and post-fledgling ecology of the common raven in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. (2005). Bedrosian, Bryan. Arkansas State University.
Cougar ecology and cougar-wolf interactions in the Southern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. (2005). Jaffe, Rosemary, Quigley, Howard, Craighead, Derek. Teton Cougar Project 2005 Preliminary Annual Report.