Golden Eagle Breeding Ecology
The Golden Eagle Breeding Ecology project builds on an investigation of Golden Eagle nesting ecology started in 1962 by graduate students of John Craighead. The project has focused on the nesting ecology, movements, habitat selection, survival, and most recently prey selection. Recent data collected for the Golden Eagle Breeding Ecology project has been used for project and region-specific efforts including but not limited to multiple publications, identification of golden eagle habitat by management agencies in Montana, informed planning of wind energy development in southwestern Montana, and results from the project have continually provided information regarding inter-annual trends of golden eagle productivity in the region. Data from this project have also been used to inform large-scale conservation planning such as inclusion of our data to inform demographic rates for continent-wide modeling efforts, use of nest sites to build west-wide models that prioritize areas for golden eagle conservation and tracking data to help answer basic questions about the where and how of golden eagle migration. This project adds to one of the oldest datasets on nesting eagles in the country, which is critical to understanding the population dynamics of this long-lived species.
Survival estimates and causes of mortality of Golden Eagles in South-central Montana. 2019. Ross H. Crandall, Derek J. Craighead, Bryan Bedrosian, and Vincent A. Slabe. Journal of Raptor Research 53: 38-45.
Golden Eagle breeding ecology in south-central Montana 2018 Interim Report. Craighead Beringia South 2018.
Spatial and temporal patters in Golden Eagle diets in the Western United States, with implications for conservation planning. 2017. Geoffrey Bedrosian, James W. Watson, Karen Steenhof, Michael N. Kochert, Charles R. Preston, Brian Woodbridge, Gary E. Williams, Kent R. Keller and Ross H. Crandall. Journal of Raptor Research 51: 347-367.
Patterns of spatial distribution of Golden Eagles across North America: How do they fit into existing landscape-scale mapping systems? 2017. Jessi L. Brown, Bryan Bedrosian, Douglas A. Bell, Melissa A. Braham, Jeff Cooper, Ross H. Crandall, Joe DiDonato, Robert Domenech, Adam E. Duerr, Todd E. Katzner, Michael J. Lanzone, David W. LaPlant, Carol L. McIntyre, Tricia A. Miller, Robert K. Murphy, Adam Shreading, Steven J. Slater, Jeff P. Smith, Brian W. Smith, James W. Watson, and Brian Woodbridge. Journal of Raptor Research 51: 197-215.
A comparison of nest survival between cliff- and tree-nesting Golden Eagles. 2016. Ross H. Crandall, Derek J. Craighead, and Bryan E. Bedrosian. Journal of Raptor Research 50: 295-300.
Tomayto, tomahto: tree and cliff nesting golden eagles in south central Montana Crandall, R. H., Bedrosian, B. E., Craighead, D. J. CBS.
Habitat selection and factors influencing nest survival of Golden Eagles in south-central Montana. 2015. Ross H. Crandall, Bryan E. Bedrosian, and Derek Craighead. Journal of Raptor Research 49: 413-428.
Space use and habitat selection by adult migrant Golden Eagles wintering in the Western United States. 2015. Robert Domenech, Bryan E. Bedrosian, Ross H. Crandall, Vincent A. Slabe. Journal of Raptor Research 49: 429-440.
Identifying environmental factors influencing Golden Eagle presence and reproductive success. Ross Crandall. Master of Science (Wildlife Biology) at The University of Montana. 2013.
Golden Eagle breeding ecology in south-central Montana 2012 Interim Report. Craighead Beringia South. 2012.
Eagle Country, Studying the Golden Eagles of South Central Montana 2012. Craighead Beringia South. 2012.
Record mass of North American golden eagle. (2008). Bedrosian, B., Rogers, T., Craighead, D. Journal of Raptor Research, 42(2), pp. 156-157.
Supplemental Research:
Population Status of the Golden Eagle in South-Central Montana. (1969). Reynolds, Harry V. III. University of Montana.
The spectacular "golden eagle country" of south central Montana.
A Golden Eagle nest in a large snag. This large and well built nest will persist for many years.
Ross Crandall prepares to release an eagle which has been fitted with a satellite locational transmitter.
Released! The eagle will now provide critical information about how it utilizes the landscape.

A golden eagle nest with a spectacular view of the Teton Mountain range.

Golden Eagles nest both on cliffs and in trees.

Graduate students descend to a nest where they will collect data on prey items, weigh and band the nestling eaglets.

These graduate students have their hands full.

Windmills and large windmill farms are recent obstacles for eagles and other birds to navigate.

Golden Eagle with dinner in hand.